1. March was proclaimed "National Nutrition Month" in Wright County by our Human Services Board
2. The Live Wright Team participated in an online Biggest Loser competition; our team lost 93 pounds!
3. Safe Routes to School survey of Monticello School District parents had a 40% response rate, showing that parents are very much interested in the topic of student transportation
4. The Farm to School and Pinewood Learning Garden grant projects reached an estimated 1370 students, 145 staff and 20 community members
5. 6 local cities and Wright County all updated planning documents to include standards and support for active living.
6. 2 cities created trail maps and kiosks to highlight walking and biking trails (Delano and Buffalo). One city installed trail markers to make it easy to gauge the distance one travels while walking, running or biking (Buffalo). Also helped support the development of 2 interactive maps of parks and trails (Monticello, Wright County).
7. Live Wright Grants supported the creation of 1 acre of land for community gardens in the cities of Buffalo and Monticello. This includes 132 plots/beds for community gardeners.
8. Wright County Public Health staff create a slideshow/video: "Living Wright: A New Standard for Wright County" that highlights the work of our lcoal grantees.
9. Otsego Elementary partnered with Live Wright to host a Walk to School Day. School staff promoted the event with their version of the "Ped Safety Dance".Over 250 students chose to "Hike it, Bike it, Like it" on October 5, 2011.
10. Mark Preissing's Opening Doors Garden Club serves up to 700 adults with disabilities locally. The project received the 2011 Outstanding Project Award from the Minnesota Community Education Association.
Thank you to all our partners and supporters for all you help in working to create a healthier Wright County. We know that this list may have missed some of our accomplishments, so feel free to add to our accomplishments of 2011!
Live Wright Menu
Supported by the Statewide Health Improvement Program, Minnesota Department of Health.
"The mission of Live Wright is to partner with Wright County citizens to increase physical activity, healthy eating and reduce tobacco use by changing behaviors in the environment where we live, learn and work."
"The mission of Live Wright is to partner with Wright County citizens to increase physical activity, healthy eating and reduce tobacco use by changing behaviors in the environment where we live, learn and work."
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Walkability of Cokato
St. Cloud State Public Health Nursing Students, who gained public health experience this past fall working with Wright County Public Health did an assessment and survey on walkability.
Walkability of Cokato MN
Walkability of Cokato MN
Friday, December 16, 2011
Local SHIP Grant Not Funded for 2012-2013
Wright County Public Health's SHIP grant application was not funded for 2012-2013. The state received 29 applications, funded 18 projects. We have been in discussions locally and as a community we are committed to keeping Live Wright in place and planning for how we address the issue of obesity, with no/limited funds.
In the coming weeks, we will be providing more updates and we hope you will support us as we work towards building communities that support active living and easy access to healthy foods.
In the coming weeks, we will be providing more updates and we hope you will support us as we work towards building communities that support active living and easy access to healthy foods.
Monday, November 28, 2011
4 Steps to a Healthier Winter
1. Seek out High-Quality Carbohydrates
Pay attention to your cravings - there is a reason for them! In the winter, with fewer sunny hours, your stored serotonin (the "feel-good" brain chemical) starts to decline. Your cravings for carbohydrate-loaded comfort foods are your body's cries for more serotonin. Opt for nutritious whole grains and choose high-quality carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and squashes.
2. Introduce Yourself to Seasonal Produce
Winter produce may not be as exciting and colorful as summer berries, but there are still many healthy choices available. Work seasonal produce into your diet, such as grapefruit, kale, lemons, turnips and radishes.
3. Diminished Sun Exposure? Vitamin D Supplement Can Help
If you live in the northern hemisphere or wear sunscreen all the time, consider taking a Vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D can be found in fortified dairy products, fatty fish, and egg yolks. Reaching the recommended level through food alone is rather difficult; one may want to consider taking a supplement during the fall and winter.
4. Prepare to Beat the Common Cold
Many remedies and quick fixes are promoted to make your cold go away (washing your hands is the number one way to prevent a cold!). Nutrients can be found in common foods we eat that are know to help your body fight the common cold; consider adding in some Vitamin C (through Orange Juice or supplement) and Probiotics (most commonly found in yogurt).
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Gearing Up For Winter
While our neighbors to the south get ready for their first measurable snow fall of the year, and we get to enjoy seasonal weather for the near future, we thought it may be time to start planning ahead for the cold and snowy months. A great way to get excited for winter is finding the new outdoor wear that will keep us warm even in a deep freeze or finding the latest cool gadgets on the market. From beginners to the outdoor enthusiasts, having the right equipment is critical to enjoying any activity.
The winter brings about great change in our daily lives, but one constant can be to continue to enjoy being outside and active. Check out Outside Magazine for the latest in Winter Gear.
Where do you go to find your winter gear?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Students at Otsego Elementary are Pumped for Walk to School Day!
Check out Otsego Elementary's version of the "Ped Safety Dance"!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Wellness on Wheels (WOW) Van Wants to Hear From You!
Wright County Public Health is conducting a survey of services provided by the Wellness on Wheels Van. We are asking existing users of WOW Van services to complete a survey when they visit and are also interested in the perspective of our community partners regarding the WOW Van services. Most the people served by the WOW Van don't have health insurance or have high deductibles so may not have a clinic home.
Here is the link to the ten question, WOW van survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2NYM8TR
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Local Principal on the Big Stage
Live Wright would like to congratulate Principal Jeff Scherber, Monticello Middle School, who is in Washington DC this week to receive an award for being a 2011 MN Principal of the Year. Principal Scherber serves as the chair of Live Wright’s Community Leadership Team. We are very lucky and thankful to have Principal Scherber on our Live Wright team!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Otsego Elementary is 1st School in Wright County to Sign Up for Walk to School Day!
Check out this video called the "Ped Safety Dance". Get your school staff involved or get a group of students together to create your own for Walk to School Day!
* The "Ped Safety Dance" was developed by the Michigan Fitness Foundation, with support in part from the National Center for Safe Routes to School. These ideas were adapted from http://saferoutesmichigan.org/w2sd.
Is your school participating in Walk to School Day on October 5, 2011?
Hike it! Bike it! Like it!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Energized by National Experts on Safe Routes To School
Last week the 3rd Safe Routes to School National Conference took place in MN. We were lucky enough to learn the grandfather of SRtS Jim Oberstar and hear from others all across the country. It solidified for us the importance of incorporating walking and biking into our daily lives, especially children. We can’t forget that this a quality of life issue and the simple choice to walk and bike more helps people to become part of their community.
- 11,000 schools in the country offering SRtS or funded through SRtS
- In MN, since 2006 68 infrastructure projects funded (through 5 grant solicitations)
- 2011 MN SRtS grant recipients announced; MN/DOT awards $3.8 million
- In 2010; 12 million bikes were sold in the United States, 9 million cars were sold!
- Benefit cost ratios of $4 to $1 with investing in trails. ¾ of benefit is health gain in children
October 5, 2011 is National Walk to School day! Is your school participating? If so, great! Let us know. If not, talk with your principals and teachers. Organize a day of fun for the community and open a student’s eyes to the importance of physical activity!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Win $100,000 and The Title of “America’s Favorite Park”
Our friends working to make sure the Bertram Chain of Lakes becomes a reality for us, need your help!
Go to http://www.livepositively.com/ to cast your vote for "America's Favorite Park" by Sept. 6, 2011.
Vote often and send to your contact lists! Last year the winning park received 1.6 million votes!
Our friends working to make sure the Bertram Chain of Lakes becomes a reality for us, need your help!
Go to http://www.livepositively.com/ to cast your vote for "America's Favorite Park" by Sept. 6, 2011.
Vote often and send to your contact lists! Last year the winning park received 1.6 million votes!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
2 Years of Hard Work is Paying Off
Wright County SHIP staff is proud to say that our final grant report, covering work from 7/2009 to 6/2011, was submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health on 8/2/2011! Thank you to all our grantees for all your hard work and completing your reports. You were all amazing partners and advocates for SHIP & Live Wright in Wright County!
Here are some interesting facts about the positive impact we had to support creating healthier communities:
- Provided significantly safer and more secure storage space for students who ride their bikes to school (Monticello School District).
- On the county level, with the plan approval designated roads/bikeways can now be marked appropriately with signs and road markings to make it safe for bicyclists.
- The City of Monticello and Wright County have incorporated interactive maps where users can easily access park and trail data to assist them in enjoying the outdoors.
- Supported 1 acre of community garden in the cities of Buffalo and Monticello, which includes 132 plots/beds for community gardeners.
- Students at Monticello Middle School in the FACS class were able cook with locally grown food 18 days during school in 2010-2011. 7 local farmers provided fresh produce to FACS class.
- Between 2 school garden projects, 146 lbs of produce were grown for school meals and snacks.
Do you have an idea or suggestion to make Wright County a healthier place to live, learn and work?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
MN Obesity Rates Level Off
A recent report, “F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2011,” shows that the rate of Minnesota adult’s who are obese remained at 25.3%. Many other states saw their rates rise since the last report. Children in Minnesota are among the healthier youth in our nation, we rank third on the list at 11.1% being obese, Oregon tops the list at 9.6%. This report is completed by the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
You can access all the information from this report at:
We have been very lucky to have the statewide campaign, SHIP. If given the chance, our state can and will improve on adult and children obesity rates through our community wide approach to create healthier communities!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Living Wright: A New Standard for Wright County
Oops, our first video we posted had a typo! We updated the
video and published a new version. Sorry for any confusion,
be sure to update the link when sharing with others.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Picnic in the Garden
This week we will celebrate with our Grantees & CLT members the many successes and hard work that has taken place in the last 2 years! We will be eating good food and enjoying each others company while learning more about each of the projects that has been funded by SHIP & Live Wright. We have enjoyed working with everyone and helping make Wright County healthier with more nutritious food options and ways to get active! Congrats to everyone, it's been a great journey and the good work will continue!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Family Fun Day!
Tomorrow is the Bertram Lakes Family Fun Day! This weather will be GREAT and you can enjoy some great outdoor time with Friends and Family!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Top 10 Ways to Celebrate National Running Day | Active.com
Happy National Running Day!! Who's has already celebrated and who plans to celebrate?!?
Top 10 Ways to Celebrate National Running Day Active.com
Top 10 Ways to Celebrate National Running Day Active.com
Wright County Trail and Bikeway Plan Ready for Review
Attached is a copy of The Wright County Draft Trail and Bikeway Plan for review and comment. After reviewing the plan, feel free to make comments by clicking on or copying and pasting the following link:
The goal of the Trail and Bikeway Master Plan is to improve county-wide connectivity and to foster active living. The Wright County Plan is a guide for future bikeway and trail development, operations, and implementation. The Plan was funded by a grant from the Statewide Health Improvement Program and Live Wright. The public is invited to view the Plan, hear a brief presentation, and offer ideas and suggestions. The Plan can also be viewed on-line from May 27th forward. Input from the public, County officials, and County staff will help shape the final plan which is likely to be presented to the County Board in late June/early July. The Draft Plan is based on an evaluation of the County with input from townships, cities, and the public. Forty-five people attended two open house meetings in February, and 140 people completed a trail and bikeway questionnaire. The County Parks Commission also provided input. Key findings from the community input are:
The Draft Plan recommends adding regional trails and bikeways parallel to the Crow and Mississippi Rivers, around lakes, and within county parks. The Plan also calls for new trails to be built when highways are rebuilt and to create bike routes and pedestrian and bike friendly roads by having paved shoulders on new and rebuilt County State Aid roadways. The Plan includes a “legacy” (100-200 years from now) proposal which offers the potential to have a nature area and trails paralleling the North Fork of the Crow River.
Draft Plan
The plan will also be presented at two community meetings this June. The first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, 2011 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at Clearwater City Hall (605 County Road 75, Clearwater, MN 55320). The second meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 6, 2011 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Wright County Public Works Building in Buffalo (1901 Highway 25 North, Buffalo, MN 55313). A summary of the plan will be presented at 7:00 p.m.
The goal of the Trail and Bikeway Master Plan is to improve county-wide connectivity and to foster active living. The Wright County Plan is a guide for future bikeway and trail development, operations, and implementation. The Plan was funded by a grant from the Statewide Health Improvement Program and Live Wright. The public is invited to view the Plan, hear a brief presentation, and offer ideas and suggestions. The Plan can also be viewed on-line from May 27th forward. Input from the public, County officials, and County staff will help shape the final plan which is likely to be presented to the County Board in late June/early July. The Draft Plan is based on an evaluation of the County with input from townships, cities, and the public. Forty-five people attended two open house meetings in February, and 140 people completed a trail and bikeway questionnaire. The County Parks Commission also provided input. Key findings from the community input are:
- The need for more trails and bikeways in parks and along scenic areas such as lakes and rivers.
- The desire for more paved off-road trails, loop trails, and bikeway loops.
- The need to connect Wright County to existing and planned State and regional trails such as the Luce Line, the Lake Wobegon Trail, and trails in Hennepin County.
The Draft Plan recommends adding regional trails and bikeways parallel to the Crow and Mississippi Rivers, around lakes, and within county parks. The Plan also calls for new trails to be built when highways are rebuilt and to create bike routes and pedestrian and bike friendly roads by having paved shoulders on new and rebuilt County State Aid roadways. The Plan includes a “legacy” (100-200 years from now) proposal which offers the potential to have a nature area and trails paralleling the North Fork of the Crow River.
Draft Plan
Friday, May 20, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Bike To Work Day!!!
It's almost here!! This week has been Bike to Work Week...who has been pedaling to work? And FRIDAY is Bike to Work Day!! If you haven't already been using this week to plan a route and make sure you are ready for Friday, it's not too late!! Go to http://www.mapmyride.com/ to share your route with others and to see others routes in your area. You can also go to http://www.maps.google.com/ and choose the bike icon to get bike directions!
If you aren't so sure about biking to work, you can still try to get your bike rides in and support the efforts of finding alternative modes of transportation that get you physical active! The whole month of May is Bike to Work Month so even if you can't pedal yourself to work this week or Friday, you've still got the rest of the month to get started on a great routine of biking!
If you aren't so sure about biking to work, you can still try to get your bike rides in and support the efforts of finding alternative modes of transportation that get you physical active! The whole month of May is Bike to Work Month so even if you can't pedal yourself to work this week or Friday, you've still got the rest of the month to get started on a great routine of biking!
![]() |
www.bikeleague.org/programs/bikemonth/events.php |
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
What's that??? 77 degrees???
FINALLY!! We've been waiting for you and you are here warmer temps! In celebration of this weather work breaks should be taken outside walking! Share with us what you did today to take advantage of the wonderful weather and get yourself moving!! And as always...don't forget the sunscreen and playing safe in the sun!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Weekend Plans?
If you are looking for something to do for a couple hours this Saturday (14th) join Andrea Holker and friends to get a Food Garden started at the Monticello Help Center.
When: From 10:00am-1:00pm
Where: Monticello Help Center
215 Cedar Street
Monticello, MN
"Come Join us for a Fun Day of Sheet Mulching and Planting! May 14, 2011
We are installing The Food Garden @ The Monticello Help Center!
To get the garden started will need help Mulching, Planting, Getting Dirty, Watering, Photography, Sign Making, Song Singing, Lemonade and Water Drinking :)
Come after a morning start on the City Wide Garage Sale! Stop By to say Hi and Check out what is Growing on!" For more information visit: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=169543239769203
When: From 10:00am-1:00pm
Where: Monticello Help Center
215 Cedar Street
Monticello, MN
Sun or Rain
It's time to get out and be active! May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month!
The tips for Adults also apply to older adults. In addition, the following guidelines are just for older adults:
- Regular physical activity reduces the risk of many adverse health outcomes.
- Some physical activity is better than none.
- For most health outcomes, additional benefits occur as the amount of physical activity increases through higher intensity, greater frequency, and/or longer duration.
- Most health benefits occur with at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking. Additional benefits occur with more physical activity.
- Both aerobic (endurance) and muscle-strengthening (resistance) physical activity are beneficial.
- Health benefits occur for children and adolescents, young and middle-aged adults, older adults, and those in every studied racial and ethnic group.
- The health benefits of physical activity occur for people with disabilities.
- The benefits of physical activity far outweigh the possibility of adverse outcomes.
- Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes or more of physical activity per day.
- Aerobic: Most of the 60 or more minutes per day should be either moderate-or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, and should include vigorous-intensity physical activity at least three days per week.
- Muscle-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children and adolescents should include muscle-strengthening physical activity on at least 3 days of the week.
- Bone-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children and adolescents should include bone-strengthening physical activity on at least 3 days of the week.
- It is important to encourage young people to participate in physical activities that are appropriate for their age, that are enjoyable, and that offer variety.
- Adults should do 30 minutes or more of physical activity per day.
- Some physical activity is better than none, and adults who participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits.
- For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 30 minutes per day (2 hours and 30 minutes per week) of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Aerobic activity should be performed in episodes of at least 10 minutes, and preferably, it should be spread throughout the week.
- For additional and more extensive health benefits, adults should increase their aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity. Additional health benefits are gained by engaging in physical activity beyond this amount.
- Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities that are moderate or high intensity and involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week, as these activities provide additional health benefits.
The tips for Adults also apply to older adults. In addition, the following guidelines are just for older adults:
- When older adults cannot do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week because of chronic conditions, they should be as physically active as their abilities and conditions allow.
- Older adults should do exercises that maintain or improve balance if they are at risk of falling.
- Older adults should determine their level of effort for physical activity relative to their level of fitness.
- Older adults with chronic conditions should understand whether and how their conditions affect their ability to do regular physical activity safely.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Pooh knows what he's talking about!
A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.
-- Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne
-- Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne
It's a Beautiful Day!!
The sun is shining, the temps are looking good and it's a GREAT day to get outside and get active! Whether you are running, biking, hiking, walking, roller blading or skateboarding, make sure to protect yourself from the sun! May is National Skin Cancer/Melanoma Awareness Month and there are many ways to enjoy the sun safely!! For more information visit http://www.skincancer.org/ or http://www.cancer.org/Healthy/BeSafeintheSun/be-safe-in-the-sun-landing
~Give her the gift of fruit!! Whether you create your own fruit basket or you order an arrangement of fruit to resemble a flower bouquet, giving her that sweet gift will put a smile on her face!
~Help her plant her vegetable garden! Or offer to do some weeding for her when the time comes!! Helping grow fresh produce will help those healthy goodies become part of a daily menu!!
~Get Active! Ask her to go for a Mother's Day morning walk, grab your helmets and take a bike ride, go dancing or if it gets a little rainy, play one of the interactive video games that gets people moving, like tennis, boxing, etc. All it takes to maintain a healthy level of activity is 2 1/2 hours of moderate activity a week!!
Mother's Day is Sunday...
Are you still looking for those last minute gift ideas? Here are a few ideas to make this Mother's Day a healthy one! ~Give her the gift of fruit!! Whether you create your own fruit basket or you order an arrangement of fruit to resemble a flower bouquet, giving her that sweet gift will put a smile on her face!
~Help her plant her vegetable garden! Or offer to do some weeding for her when the time comes!! Helping grow fresh produce will help those healthy goodies become part of a daily menu!!
~Get Active! Ask her to go for a Mother's Day morning walk, grab your helmets and take a bike ride, go dancing or if it gets a little rainy, play one of the interactive video games that gets people moving, like tennis, boxing, etc. All it takes to maintain a healthy level of activity is 2 1/2 hours of moderate activity a week!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Who is bike commuting?
Are you planning on participating in National Bike to Work Day on May 20th? How about doing a week or a month of it?? Maybe more?! For those of you who are going to participate in National Bike to Work Day 2011, come join the Live Wright National Bike to Work Day group on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/home.php?sk=group_199049130116801 we can share training tips and once May 20th rolls around we can share our stories, picture and videos of our successful and safe commute!! So, head on over to Facebook and join the group today!!
For more information on National Bike to Work Day visit http://www.bikeleague.org/ or the National Bike to Work Day tab located on the top of the page!
For more information on National Bike to Work Day visit http://www.bikeleague.org/ or the National Bike to Work Day tab located on the top of the page!
Monday, May 2, 2011
How much do you pay to commute to work?
May is National Bike to Work Month!!! You might be noticing that your pocketbook is feeling a little lighter each time you fill up your car at the gas station as the gas prices continue to increase. Have you thought about commuting to work on your bike?
If no...why not?!
If yes, what has motivated you to commute by bike?
Leave a comment with your response and we'll see if those of you who do not currently bike to work can get some helpful tips and answers to question!
For more information visit the Bike to Work Day Tab at the top of the page!
If no...why not?!
If yes, what has motivated you to commute by bike?
Leave a comment with your response and we'll see if those of you who do not currently bike to work can get some helpful tips and answers to question!
For more information visit the Bike to Work Day Tab at the top of the page!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sitting at your desk??
Many of us spend a majority of our work day sitting at a desk. I challenge you to make a conscious effort to get up and move throughout the day just to get the blood pumping in your legs and arms!
Here are a couple articles from MPR that will make you think twice about spending your day glued to your desk chair!
Health-Chair Reform: Walk, Don't Sit At Your Desk Minnesota Public Radio News
Sitting All Day: Worse For You, Worse For You Than You May Think
Here are a couple articles from MPR that will make you think twice about spending your day glued to your desk chair!
Health-Chair Reform: Walk, Don't Sit At Your Desk Minnesota Public Radio News
Sitting All Day: Worse For You, Worse For You Than You May Think
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
National Bike to Work Day
Don't forget that National Bike to Work Month is MAY, National Bike to Work Week is May 16-20th and National Bike to Work Day is May 20, 2011! Get geared up and if you need information for your business or for your commute check out the Bike to Work Tab at the top of the page!
Bike/Walk Week for the Twin Cities is June 4th-12th, and on their Facebook page they had a clever fact: "You never have to pay to park your shoes" For those who work anywhere that you pay daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly to park this might be just the fact to get your walking to work!
Bike/Walk Week for the Twin Cities is June 4th-12th, and on their Facebook page they had a clever fact: "You never have to pay to park your shoes" For those who work anywhere that you pay daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly to park this might be just the fact to get your walking to work!
The Buffalo, Hanover, Montrose School district has a monthly newsletter and this month Live Wright grant projects "Grow Lunch" at Discovery Elementary and the Opening Doors Garden Club are featured in the Newsletter. To read the articles and other great news going on at BHM visit:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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Star Tribune Photo of a Monkey at the MN Zoo during the lovely snowfall today! |
Here are a few ideas for indoor activites that will help get physically active for those of you who like me are refusing to "play in the snow" at the end of April!!
Dance! Crank up the music (just loud enough so your neighbors don't complain) and dance! It doesn't have to be choreographed, just gets you moving. This is a great way to just let loose, you can really work up a sweat and not even realize it!
Video Games - I know.. I know...not the answer you were expecting, but when I say Video Games I'm not talking about giving your thumbs a work out and sitting on a couch killing zombies and aliens, I'm talking about all the options of physical movement in video games now, with the X-box 360 Kinect, PS3 Move,& Wii , there are so many games out there for all three of these game systems to get you moving and work up a sweat!
Workout DVDs- you don't have to purchases these, you can visit your local library, this gives you the oportunity to try out a couple different videos!
*As always before you start any new exercise routine, make sure to check with your doctor!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Minnesota Grown Directory
The 2011-2012 Minnesota Grown Directory is now available. To find out where all the Minnesota Grown goodies are at check out the Minnesota Grown Directory or visit http://www.minnesotagrown.com/ You can also order your own copies of the Minnesota Grown Directory to share with others. You can search by area, product or name of a farm or market. Check out the Wright County section on page 42 of the directory to see what great places are near you!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Biggest Loser Minnesota Challenge
Last Day!!
Today is the last day of the 12 week Challenge...as I've said the last two days, this isn't the end, keep challenging yourself to eat healthier and to be more active or to maintain the healthy changes you've already made! Set new goals and take the steps to achieve those goals and CELEBRATE your successes!! We too often don't give ourselves the appreciation we deserve for reaching our goals, but when you reach a goal you deserve to celebrate! Did you cut back on buying that mid-afternoon soda? Use the money you saved to buy yourself a healthy reward! Maybe you want to add another water bottle harness to your bike for those long rides you'll be taking this spring/summer/fall. Maybe you want a pedometer to see how many steps you actually do get in a day! These are great rewards for meeting healthy goals!
Enjoy the weekend; rain, snow or sunshine, get out there and get moving, show nature who's boss!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Biggest Loser Minnesota Challenge
At 11:59pm tomorrow the Biggest Loser Minnesota Challenge will end. That doesn't mean that Challenging yourself has to end though!!
If you didn't quite reach your goal during the 12 week challenge, choose a new goal date and work on achieving that goal. Look back on the past 12 weeks and see what was the hardest part of reaching your goal. Are there things that you could change in your daily routine that would make it easier for you to achieve your goal? Sometimes we find ourselves sabotaging our goals and not even knowing it!
Now that the weather is getting nicer (ignore these next few days with rumors of snow....) it may give you that extra motivation to get outside and get active. I know one of my favorite things is that first spring run OUTSIDE and taking a much needed break from the inside of a gym and the monotony of an elliptical trainer or treadmill!
Some of you may be noticing that it is really starting to "green up" outside too, that means that in no time we will be having gardens filled with fresh produce, farmer's markets bustling with people picking up their veggies and fruit for the week and no excuse to not have some fresh greens on your dinner table! If you are looking for a healthy challenge, try to challenge yourself to include fresh fruits and veggies with all your meals.
Try something new or something you used to "HATE" and have avoided for years! For example, I have always been anti-asparagus....but just a couple weeks ago the only veggie that was offered to me with dinner was roasted asparagus with a little sea salt and pepper....so I decided to try it out again, and although it still is not the first veggie I'd choose, it wasn't as bad as I remember thinking it was!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Biggest Loser Minnesota Challenge
The Live Wright Team is at 86 pounds of weight loss to date! This has been a fun challenge and a great way to keep track of your daily habits, I know it's made me think about how many glasses of water I'm drinking each day and how much physical activity I'm getting! Being part of a team gives you a sense of responsiblity for what you are doing and accountability! Just because the challenge ends on the 15th doesn't mean you can't still get a group together to continue to challenge yourself. Maybe you have some co-workers that are trying to get their 10,000 steps in each day, you can start a lunch hour walking group, or maybe you want to train for a walk/run together. Want to make sure to keep up those healthy eating habits? Start a healthy recipe exchange with friends or co-workers and try out some new dishes! There are lots of ways to keep the healthy habits going and having others involved in your goals helps keep you motivated and aware of your goals and how you can reach them, with a little help from your friends!
If you prefer to accomplish your goals solo, you can find lots of helpful tools online that can help you track your calories eaten, burned, and will help you log your activity. Journaling your food intake and activity is another helpful way of holding yourself responsible and it can be eye-opening when you realize how much you are "snacking" throughout the day, and how much or how little activity you are getting during the week.
One other fun way to look at activity level is to record how often you are physically active, and record how much screen time you are getting...this include both TV & Computer...this one is usually a pretty scary high number!! Now, if you want to balance your screen time and physcial activity time, and can't miss American Idol, try spending some of that TV time doing some sit-ups or lifting some free weights. During commericals do jumping jacks, jump rope, jog in place, etc.
If you feel like your computer is a permanent extension of your hands, make a conscious effort to monitor the amount of time you are in front of your computer and take breaks, your eyes will thank you!! Follow the rule of 20. Every 20 minutes look away from your computer screen for 20 seconds at something that is 20 feet away. Set an alarm, there are some online alarm clocks you can use!
If you are glued to an office chair, staring at a computer screen all day, make sure to take breaks to stand up stretch and look away from your computer screen. Taking small breaks can help you feel more refreshed and will allow you to be more productive!
Take your lunch break....AWAY from your computer! With deadlines, hectic schedules, and lots to do in little time we often find ourselves eating our lunch at our desk, still typing away on the computer. This is not giving your body the break it needs from sitting in front of the computer and it also makes you less mindful of what and how much you are eating, which tends to lead to overeating.
There are lots of helpful hints out there for maximizing your health while still performing well at your job, it doesn't have to be one or the other. Many times we are too busy with work to take time for ourselves, but if we can incorporate those "good for you" things into our daily routines we'll fit in a little activity and healthy eating without even realizing it!
Keep checking the blog for additional tips on fitting healthy behaviors into our everyday life!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
New Look!
Spring Cleaning Time! Not even the blog can escape a good clean up! We are making it easier to navigate through some documents that we want available to you. There are now tabs at the top of the page that allow you to access information about SHIP, Community Leadership Team (CLT), National Bike to Work Day, the current Newsletter and Live Wright Grants that have been awarded. We hope you find this easier to read and if you have any suggestions leave a comment! Thanks!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Now is the time to be letting your legislators know the importance of SHIP and to fully fund these projects. The Governor did include SHIP funding in his proposed budget so now is the time to let your state legislators know that YES! We need to keep this in the budget! Let's share our stories about projects and the success that we are seeing. SHIP projects are important to the health of our communities and to combat the rising cost in health care because of obesity related issues that are preventable! Lifestyle changes are easier done when you have an environment and community that supports these efforts and SHIP funded projects are doing that with providing sustainable environmental, policy and system changes allowing the Healthy Choice to be the Easy Choice!!
Here are some of the projects that are going on in your communities!
Here are some of the projects that are going on in your communities!
Live Wright Grants
During the first year of SHIP grants being available. Live Wright has made significant progress implementing evidence-based systems and environmental change strategies that improve nutrition and increase physical activity across communities, schools, work sites and health care settings. These efforts lay the groundwork for improvements in the health of Minnesotans and reductions in health care costs. There has been nearly $300,000 invested in improving the health of our local communities and schools with local grantees donating over $62,000 to accompany their award.
Community Gardens
Improving Community Nutrition: reaching up to 25,203 residents in the cities of Buffalo and Monticello. Highlights include implementing 4 community garden projects to improve community access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Buffalo Presbyterian Church: $4,300
- City of Buffalo-Gary Mattson Park: $5, 975
- Opening Doors Garden Club: $36,000
- Monticello Resurrection Lutheran Church: $5,180
Improving School Nutrition reaching at least 2,160 students at three schools in two districts, Buffalo/Hanover/Montrose and Monticello. Highlights include increasing access to healthy foods for students through learning gardens, classroom gardens and Farm to School initiatives.
- Discovery Elementary "Grow Lunch" Project: $3,000
- Monticello Farm to School: $17,500
- Pinewood Learning Garden: $1,000
Increasing School Physical Activity: reaching 3,867 students in all four schools within the Monticello School District. Highlights include providing bike racks to all four schools in the Monticello School District to increase space available for students to store bikes as an incentive to bike to school. In addition the Monticello Safe Routes to School Project will increase opportunities for students to safely walk and bike to school.
- Monticello Safe Routes to School: $17,110
Parks & Trails
Increasing Community Physical Activity: reaching up to 119,353 residents of Wright County. Highlights include approving eight mini-grant proposals to support the development of multi-modal transportation, incorporation of complete streets terminology into local road design, and updating park/trail or bike way plans to increase opportunities for walking and biking ad access to community recreation facilities to support active communities.
- City of Buffalo Park/Trail Plans: $20,000
- City of Buffalo Trail Markers & Kiosks: $7,206
- City of Monticello Park/Trail Plan: $52,500
- City of Albertville Trail/Sidewalk Plan: $11,766
- City of Delano Park/Trail Plan: $19,500
- City of Annandale Park/Trail Plan: $19,500
- City of Howard Lake Park/Trail Plan: $17,940
- Wright County Trail/Bikeway Plan: $46,910
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wright County Ranked #23
I think we have what it takes to move our way up to #1, don't you??
I think we have what it takes to move our way up to #1, don't you??
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
So, there are 31 days in March...but my list from ADA only goes to 30. So that means tomorrow it is YOUR turn to give a Healthy Eating Tip of the Day!!
30.) For desk-top dining, keep single-serve packages of crackers, fruit, peanut butter, soup, or tuna in your desk for a quick lunch.
30.) For desk-top dining, keep single-serve packages of crackers, fruit, peanut butter, soup, or tuna in your desk for a quick lunch.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
29.) Always eating on the go? Tuck portable, nonperishable foods in your purse, tote, briefcase or backpack for an on-the-run meal. some suggestions are peanut butter and crackers, granola bars, a piece of fresh fruit, trail mix, single serve packages of whole grain cereal or crackers.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
26.) Try a smoothie made with juice, fruit and yogurt for a light lunch or snack.
27.) Refrigerate carry-out or leftovers if the food won't be eaten right away. Toss foods kept at room temperature for more than two hours.
28.) Grabbing dinner aat the supermarket deli? Select rotisserie chicken, salad-in-a-bag and freshly baked bread. Or, try sliced lean roast beef, onion rolls, potato salad and fresh fruit.
27.) Refrigerate carry-out or leftovers if the food won't be eaten right away. Toss foods kept at room temperature for more than two hours.
28.) Grabbing dinner aat the supermarket deli? Select rotisserie chicken, salad-in-a-bag and freshly baked bread. Or, try sliced lean roast beef, onion rolls, potato salad and fresh fruit.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Harvest Day at Discovery Elementary!!
The aerogardens were harvested by students today! See previous post for the before picture! |
The excitement of the kids and the enthusiam from Mrs. Koopman, who wrote the grant was awesome and we are excited to hear about what they will grow next, rumor has it that they may do something special for Mothers Day with other veggies!!
Harvest Day at Discovery Elementary!!
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This was the lettuce before they harvested. |
It was GREAT to see how much lettuce was harvested today at Discovery Elementary for their "Grow Lunch" Project. The kids were very excited to see their lettuce brought down to the cafeteria and know that when they come back for lunch they will be eating it! The students also were able to examine the roots of the lettuce and talk about the growth of the plants throughout the weeks! We are going to join them for lunch today and see some of the students reactions to their salads with a signature dressing the food service staff have prepared with basil they have been growing with an aerogarden as well!! Check back for updates on how lunch was!
This is the lettuce after harvest, handing it over to the Food Service Staff to prepare for lunch! |
"That's a lot of lettuce!"
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
25.) "Be size-wise about muffins, bagels, croissants and biscuits. A jumbo muffin has more than twice the fat and calories of the regular size."
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Human Doing
Have you been to the Mall of America lately? If you haven't and don't mind the crowds and dodging people then you should make a trip out to see the "The Human Do-ing" , man living in a glass apartment in the Mall. "One man. In a box. For one month. Living a healthier life with your support." Blue Cross Blue Shield is sponsering this event of capturing a man living in a glass apartment where he lives all the time, he sleeps there, eats there and exercises there. The idea is that he is on display and with the support and watchful eye of mall goers and those on facebook who are monitoring his progress has sort of an obligation to do good. He is learning to cook healthy and you can vote on what "do" you'd like to see him perform. You have 3 options that you can vote on and that he will then "do" for example right now you can vote for 1.) stretching 2.) meditating 3.) yoga. The activity with the most votes is what his next "do" will be. Here is a message from Scott, the man in the glass apartment
"Can support from your family, community and surroundings lead to a change in lifestyle behavior?
I’m The Human Doing. I’ll be here for one month to find out. Vote for the healthy activities you’d like me to do. Then do them with me. Every do I do — no matter how big or small — is a do for everyone. When I sweat, you can sweat with me. When I learn a healthy recipe, you’ll learn it, too. My success can be your success."
visit him on Facebook to stay up-to-date on what he's "do-ing" and how he is leading a healthier lifestyle and then stop by at the Mall of America and see his glass apartment conveniently located between some rather unhealthy
"Can support from your family, community and surroundings lead to a change in lifestyle behavior?
I’m The Human Doing. I’ll be here for one month to find out. Vote for the healthy activities you’d like me to do. Then do them with me. Every do I do — no matter how big or small — is a do for everyone. When I sweat, you can sweat with me. When I learn a healthy recipe, you’ll learn it, too. My success can be your success."
visit him on Facebook to stay up-to-date on what he's "do-ing" and how he is leading a healthier lifestyle and then stop by at the Mall of America and see his glass apartment conveniently located between some rather unhealthy
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
Snowed in yesterday so here are 2 tips for today!! Just a reminder to everyone who shoveled that heavy heavy snow yesterday because I'm sure you haven't forgotten that you did it, can you feel your arm muscles today? Just think of the workout you had shoveling yesterday!! Whew!
23.) Look for a sandwich wrap in a soft tortilla. Fillings such as rice mixed with seafood, chicken, or grilled vegetables are usually lower in fat and calories.
24.) Build a better breakfast sandwich: replace bacon or sausage with Canadian bacon or ham and order your sandwich on a whole grain English muffin or bagel.
23.) Look for a sandwich wrap in a soft tortilla. Fillings such as rice mixed with seafood, chicken, or grilled vegetables are usually lower in fat and calories.
24.) Build a better breakfast sandwich: replace bacon or sausage with Canadian bacon or ham and order your sandwich on a whole grain English muffin or bagel.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
22.) Load up your pizza with vegetable toppings. If you add meat, make it lean ham, Canadian bacon, chicken or shrimp.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
19.) Ask for sauces, dressings and toppings to be served "on the side." Then you control how much you eat."
20.) Pass up all-you-can-eat specials, buffets and unlimited salad bars if you tend to eat too much.
21.) If you do choose the buffet, fill up on salads and vegetables first. Take no more than two trips and use the small plate that holds less food.
20.) Pass up all-you-can-eat specials, buffets and unlimited salad bars if you tend to eat too much.
21.) If you do choose the buffet, fill up on salads and vegetables first. Take no more than two trips and use the small plate that holds less food.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
18.) "Eat your lower-calorie food first. Soup or salad is a good choice. Follow up with a light main course."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Grow Lunch!
Next Friday morning (March 25th) at 9:00-9:30, classrooms and district offices all across Discovery Center, will be harvesting heads of lettuce that have spent the past weeks growing. That morning, the lettuce will be delivered to the cafeteria staff for cleaning and processing. They have developed a special dressing in honor of the day, and will serve the lettuce in salad as part of that afternoon's lunch menu, from 11:30-12:10.
The lettuce is growing in 16 hydroponic gardens stationed in classrooms around Discovery Center. The kids are learning about the growth of lettuce and will have the opportunity to eat what they helped grow!! How exciting!!
Bev Koopman, a teacher at Discovery Center wrote a grant called, "Grow Lunch!" And was awarded money from Live Wright to fund her project. Bev spent some time researching how students who establish healthy habits before sixth grade are more likely to continue those habits into adulthood. Bev also found through research that student involvement in growing vegetables has a correlation with their willingness to eat vegetetables. She was lucky enough to see a real life example of that last year when she conducting a similiar project using a single garden in her classroom, therefore prompting her to take it building wide! Bev has done an excellent job notifying staff of the different stages of growth and has tried to make this project as easy to implement into the classrooms as possible.
Thank You!! We look forward to joining you on Harvest Day!
Thank You!! We look forward to joining you on Harvest Day!
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
17.) At the salad bar, pile on the dark leafy greens, carrots, peppers and other fresh vegetables. Lighten up on mayonnaise-based salads and high fat toppings. Enjoy fresh fruit as your dessert.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
16.) Enjoy ethnic foods such as Chinese stirfry, vegetable-stuffed pita or Mexican fajitas. Go easy on the sour cream, cheese and guacamole.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
15.) In place of fries or chips, choose a side salad, fruit or baked potato. Or, share a regular order of fries with a friend.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Healthy Eating on the Run: Tip of the Day
12.) Boost the nutrition of all types of sandwiches by adding tomato, lettuce, peppers ro other vegetables.
13.) A baked potato offers more fiber, fewer calories and less fat than fries if you skip the sour cream and butter. Top your potato with broccoli and a sprinkle of cheese or salsa.
14.) At the sandwich shop, choose lean beef, ham, turkey or chicken on whole grain bread. Ask for mustard, ketchup, salsa or lowfat spreads. And, don't forget the veggies!
13.) A baked potato offers more fiber, fewer calories and less fat than fries if you skip the sour cream and butter. Top your potato with broccoli and a sprinkle of cheese or salsa.
14.) At the sandwich shop, choose lean beef, ham, turkey or chicken on whole grain bread. Ask for mustard, ketchup, salsa or lowfat spreads. And, don't forget the veggies!
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