Supported by the Statewide Health Improvement Program, Minnesota Department of Health.

"The mission of Live Wright is to partner with Wright County citizens to increase physical activity, healthy eating and reduce tobacco use by changing behaviors in the environment where we live, learn and work."

Friday, November 6, 2015

Walk! Bike! Fun! Training Recently Offered in Maple Lake, by BikeMN

In early October, the Minnesota Bicycle Alliance (BikeMN) facilitated a 1-day training on Minnesota’s new walk & bike safety curriculum, called Walk! Bike! Fun!
Fourteen educators and community members from Wright and Stearns counties attended and learned about traffic safety for walkers and bikers and how to effectively present these topics to kids.
Attendees will teach the curriculum to elementary and middle school students using two different bike fleets (traveling trailers of bicycles) that will debut in the spring.