Supported by the Statewide Health Improvement Program, Minnesota Department of Health.

"The mission of Live Wright is to partner with Wright County citizens to increase physical activity, healthy eating and reduce tobacco use by changing behaviors in the environment where we live, learn and work."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Biggest Loser Minnesota Challenge


At 11:59pm tomorrow the Biggest Loser Minnesota Challenge will end.  That doesn't mean that Challenging yourself has to end though!! 

If you didn't quite reach your goal during the 12 week challenge, choose a new goal date and work on achieving that goal.  Look back on the past 12 weeks and see what was the hardest part of reaching your goal.  Are there things that you could change in your daily routine that would make it easier for you to achieve your goal?  Sometimes we find ourselves sabotaging our goals and not even knowing it! 
Now that the weather is getting nicer (ignore these next few days with rumors of snow....) it may give you that extra motivation to get outside and get active.  I know one of my favorite things is that first spring run OUTSIDE and taking a much needed break from the inside of a gym and the monotony of an elliptical trainer or treadmill! 

Some of you may be noticing that it is really starting to "green up" outside too, that means that in no time we will be having gardens filled with fresh produce, farmer's markets bustling with people picking up their veggies and fruit for the week and no excuse to not have some fresh greens on your dinner table!  If you are looking for a healthy challenge, try to challenge yourself to include fresh fruits and veggies with all your meals. 
Try something new or something you used to "HATE" and have avoided for years!  For example, I have always been anti-asparagus....but just a couple weeks ago the only veggie that was offered to me with dinner was roasted asparagus with a little sea salt and I decided to try it out again, and although it still is not the first veggie I'd choose, it wasn't as bad as I remember thinking it was! 

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