Supported by the Statewide Health Improvement Program, Minnesota Department of Health.

"The mission of Live Wright is to partner with Wright County citizens to increase physical activity, healthy eating and reduce tobacco use by changing behaviors in the environment where we live, learn and work."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Star Tribune Photo of a Monkey at the MN Zoo during the lovely snowfall today!
Yes, Minnesota winter brought it's top players this year and even those winter enthusiasts, the "true" Minnesotans are saying "enough is enough already!"  We have started to see plants shoot up and the grass was really starting to get green when the snow decided it hadn't quite had enough face time with us.  So, we began retreating back to the comfort of indoors...even I will admit that as much as I have begun to loathe the inside of a gym, it was just too sad to go outside and have to deal with the "too cold for spring temps" and there was no way that I was going to get slapped in the face by this "wintry mix."  So back I go to the monotony of the gym and wishing that I could get my 5 month old shoes a little dirty outside so they don't look like I just pulled them out of the box!  I've only got until the end of April and then the weather really had better shape up because my gym membership is over!  And then I'll have to take it outside no matter what!  The day will come soon enough though, that we will begin to complain about the heat and humidity of Summer and look forward to the cool-down of Fall, just to start complaining about Winter all over again, well most of us will anyway!  :)  

Here are a few ideas for indoor activites that will help get physically active for those of you who like me are refusing to "play in the snow" at the end of April!!

Dance!  Crank up the music (just loud enough so your neighbors don't complain) and dance!  It doesn't have to be choreographed, just gets you moving.  This is a great way to just let loose, you can really work up a sweat and not even realize it!

Video Games - I know.. I know...not the answer you were expecting, but when I say Video Games I'm not talking about giving your thumbs a work out and sitting on a couch killing zombies and aliens, I'm talking about all the options of physical movement in video games now, with the X-box 360 Kinect, PS3 Move,& Wii , there are so many games out there for all three of these game systems to get you moving and work up a sweat!

Workout DVDs- you don't have to purchases these, you can visit your local library, this gives you the oportunity to try out a couple different videos!

*As always before you start any new exercise routine, make sure to check with your doctor!

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