Supported by the Statewide Health Improvement Program, Minnesota Department of Health.

"The mission of Live Wright is to partner with Wright County citizens to increase physical activity, healthy eating and reduce tobacco use by changing behaviors in the environment where we live, learn and work."

Friday, March 25, 2011

Harvest Day at Discovery Elementary!!

The aerogardens were harvested by students today!  See previous post for the before picture!
These are what remains from the harvesting of the lettuce today at Discovery Elementary!!  The kids ate it up!  AND wanted seconds!  The kids were excited to try out the lettuce they have been growing and even students that brought a lunch from home asked if they could get some salad on the side, which of course they could!  After all the students had made their way through the line and gotten their lunch the Food Service Director went around with a large bowl of lettuce offering seconds and by the time she made it around the cafeteria, the bowl was empty!! The kids had their hands up wanting more!  The students said that the lettuce they grew was so much greener and tasted better than the lettuce they usually get with lunch.  The Food Service Staff made a great "Discovery Dressing" special for this event with fresh basil that they harvest from their own Aero Garden.  It was tasty!  Some kids thought the lettuce was so good that they didn't even want dressing on it, they picked it up with their hands and munched on it!
The excitement of the kids and the enthusiam from Mrs. Koopman, who wrote the grant was awesome and we are excited to hear about what they will grow next, rumor has it that they may do something special for Mothers Day with other veggies!!

1 comment:

  1. One interesting thing that I heard from people today was the joy they felt in having the light from the Aero Gardens, especially during the winter months! When schools cannot have windows in every classroom it can get be a day brightener (literally) to have plants growing in your classroom!
